I usually don't care for the aftertaste of low calorie sweeteners, so I didn't know what to expect with a NO calorie sweetener. I used it to sweeten my hot tea and I prepared myself for the usual fake sweetness I have to deal with when giving up sugar. But as I took a drink I realized this was different. Not as horrible as the others, tolerable even? Hmm...Could I have been wrong? Then I expected the terrible aftertaste I usually experience with artificial sweeteners. I didn't get that either. There was an aftertaste, but it wasn't as bad as with the other sweeteners I've tried. The second drink tasted better and the aftertaste was less noticeable. Each drink after that got even better until I got used to the taste and I didn't even think about the fact that I was drinking something different. I actually liked it!
I still prefer the taste of real sugar, but this is the best alternative I've tried. It really surprised me. I haven't tried it for cooking yet, so I'm not sure how well it works for that, but I might give it a try.
NECTRESSE is available in a box of 40 packets which equals 3.3 OZ. It's also available in a in a 5.9 OZ canister which holds
140 servings of
1/4 tsp each.Learn more about NECTRESSE here:
I received this product complimentary from Influenster.
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